12.30.10 garage floor no2

-It's weird that I still have the new tire rubber fuzzies after a half a year. 

12.29.10 garage floor no1

-Water slowly creeps along.  Who wouldn't take a photo of this?

12.28.10 the office

-I think my desk is getting a little cluttered.

12.27.10 fish

-The Landreman household experienced the loss of fish today.  Fish was his name and this photo was taken when he was alive several months back, just to clarify.

12.26.10 island color

-One year ago today I was on the island taking this photo.

12.25.10 globe of snow

-Tis the season for snow globes.

12.24.10 skywalk

-Stepping out of my car...

12.23.10 needs salt

-I have shoveled and salted our deck stairs more this December than any other
December since we moved into our house.

12.22.10 muffled silence

-When the snow sticks to the trees you could hear a pin drop in our back yard assuming that it fell someplace where there was no snow.  

12.21.10 midday

-The living room as it appears around lunch time.

12.20.10 sandwich glass

-Down in the depths of Rachel's ongoing collection.

12.14.10 gradient

-Thanks to some light powder and a good wind I was able to capture this photo.

12.13.10 festival of lights

-It was freezing... and the only time I didn't mind the smell in the nice warm elephant house.

12.12.10 white canopy

-The snow that sticks to anything and everything is by far my favorite.

12.11.10 finish line

-Benjamin graduated today.  Rachel and I are very proud of him!

12.10.10 floating mountains

-The mountains you see are the mainland of Honduras.  This photo was taken on out way back to our island with the last of the Pigeon Key island chain in the foreground.  This link will take you to this exact island in Google Earth.

12.09.10 mystery shed

-I know the shed next door has to contain something cooler than a lawnmower.

12.07.10 historical remnants

-This is one of the few remaining buildings in what will hopefully one day be a rebuilt Loveland square.

12.06.10 second snow

-If the first days of December are any indication then winter will be snow filled.

12.05.10 cloud gate

-This sculpture by Ghery is also better known as "The Bean" and is too amazing for words.

12.04.10 almost.... there

-Life is rough when you're only one inch tall.

12.03.10 super savings

-It's like a money treasure hunt, but with more rules and slightly less exhilarating. 

12.02.10 road less traveled

-I'm sure that if I had stood here the entire day I possibly would have seen one car, and that person most likely would have been lost.

12.01.10 come on in

-Our front door fills the living room with scattered rainbows in the middle of day.  When little Noah was over he saw one of them on the floor and announced, "Look what I made!"